Category - Working Locum Tenens

Category - Working Locum Tenens

How to have a great first locum tenens assignment

April 12th, 2023 Two experienced locums physicians share their tips for making your first locum tenens assignment a success.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

Experienced providers speak out: How to choose the right locums agency

March 9th, 2023 Here are a few things locum tenens pros say to look out for when choosing a locum tenens agency to work with.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

The meaning of locum tenens

December 1st, 2022 Merriam Webster defines locum tenens as “one filling an office for a time or temporarily taking the place of another.” When founding CompHealth in 1979, Therus Kolff thought this term would be fitting to describe physicians working temporary assignments.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

Using locum tenens to take a sabbatical

November 9th, 2022 Locum tenens NP Sophia Khawly explains how working locum tenens during a sabbatical is a great way to earn income, travel, and avoid burnout.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

Exploding 7 locum tenens myths: a physician's perspective

September 14th, 2022 Get the real story on the practice of a locum tenens provider! If you're willing to let go of the myths and misconceptions, you might find yourself considering or reconsidering locum tenens as a lifestyle, or as a viable career transition strategy.