Category - Working Locum Tenens

Category - Working Locum Tenens

A physician’s guide to working as an independent contractor: How to prepare for a locum tenens assignment

November 28th, 2023 This physician’s guide to working as an independent contractor can help you prepare for your first locum tenens assignment.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

A physician’s guide to working as an independent contractor: Working with a locum tenens agency

November 20th, 2023 This physician’s guide to working as an independent contractor can help you find the right agency to start working locum tenens.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

A physician's guide to working as an independent contractor: Getting started with locum tenens

November 14th, 2023 This physician’s guide to working as an independent contractor can help you get started with locum tenens, whether you want part-time or full-time work.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

3 reasons to use a staffing agency for your next job search

July 26th, 2023 There are pros and cons of using a staffing agency for your next healthcare job search, but a good agency can take all the stress out of a job hunt.
Category - Working Locum Tenens

How do the top locum tenens agencies compare?

May 9th, 2023 Are you looking to compare locum tenens agencies? Whatever you're looking for in your career, this guide can help you find the best fit.